First of all, I cant remember if I have actually came out in any of my posts to tell you who I am ... Who I am NOW, Who I have grown to be after my getting married and GROWING UP. Alot of people who think they know me ... like REALLY know me because they "grew up with me"... they really dont know me at all anymore! I have actually had a hard time with that lately because those people are who have hurt me the most lately out of all the people out there! But that is a whole other post that will probably come later on. Back to WHO I AM. I am from The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. I kinda grew up in the Church but never studied more about my Church until after getting married and learning more about myself and what I wanted for myself. So with that said if I ever say anything in my writings and your confused you could probably find the answers here: You will understand why I say all of this after your finished reading this entire post.
If your keeping up with all of my posts from beginning to now you will know that my mom and dad are now divorced and have been for a very long time. My mom has finally met someone who makes her happy and they have been together for quite a while now. Well I had the pleasure of attending their very special wedding on Valentines Day! My Mom has been going through some changes of her own and I am very proud of her and for her to see who she is growing to be. YES!!! She is a grown woman but that doesn't mean she stops growing as a person at a certain age. I feel like no one ever stops growing. You can always evolve/change into a new person anytime as long as your opening yourself to those changes. This man that has came into her life isn't just any man. Which that probably was my first reaction to knowing she was dating someone. I remember telling her... "don't tell him how you feel all on the first night.. its all going to be overwhelming for you and you need to make him have to wait it all out little by little." or "I don't need some guy coming in here and acting like I need a Father because I already have one and don't need another and I am a grown person and don't need all of that." Yes I know! I really said that last one and I'm kicking myself for acting like a "spoiled brat" like that. Anywhoo... Over the months I have grown to really like and respect this guy my Mom was dating. He has really turned my Mom into someone I can look to and be proud of even more than before. He has my Mom going to Church... even though its still not the Church I'd like to see her go to but hey... she is going and in the right direction so that is good enough for me right now. There has been times I have really been down and out and even though I usually just go to my husband Adam for that because he is my best friend and really most of the time the only person I need but at times I really just needed my MOM. I would talk to my Mom and after a while I would get sweet uplifting messages from this guy, his name is Ottie. Well these messages are things that my own Father has NEVER not even close said to me! Things that if I have heard over the years of my life probably would have saved me from having all the issues I had. He (Ottie) has truly stepped up to the plate without any intentions of trying to replace my Father or try to be that Father figure for me. Just out of the compassion of his big heart! I never really told Adam about these messages until today. Because I at the time didn't know how much they would mean to me until recently. I'm sure there is alot more moments that I'm leaving out on how I've grown close to Ottie but those messages and him respecting me for who I am and loving me as his own family just mean the most to me.
All during the wedding rehearsal and wedding shower I'd get a little teary eyed here and there and some people would look at me like "Why isn't she as emotional as she should be about all of this?" It just never really fully hit me at those times.
Today my husband asked me "so I have been wanting to ask you... why were you crying at the wedding on the stage? I mean I know you have your reasons for crying but I just want to understand what was going through your head at that time to make you cry because I didn't know how to comfort you correctly and didn't want to pretend I knew what was going through your head." After he asked me that I was thinking there was probably alot of other people that were in the crowd that had no idea why I was crying too. I mean this wasn't just your normal wedding cry. This was a full on cry that was probably an ugly cry lol! Pretty ashamed it got that bad but I really couldn't help it! After explaining to him everything that was going through my head at that time and after our whole conversation I told him that I REALLY wanted my Mom and Ottie and even others that don't get to know truly everything that goes on WHY I WAS A BLUBBERING MESS haha! I'm not good at putting it into words how I truly feel at all times so I figured this was a much better route so I don't forget anything. Also when talking to my husband he mentioned something to me that he learned from my experience that day. So he will be sharing what he learned in the next post I will publish because I really do love what he said and think more people need to hear it!
During the wedding as I was up on the stage in front of everyone I was fine. "Yay my mom is getting married ... oh my feet are hurting... man now my back is killing me... ya da ya da ya da..." Oh the fun things that go through my head haha! But I started thinking deeper. They sang this song together towards the end of the wedding ceremony. The words in that song... let me tell you! My thoughts got deeper and deeper... "My mom is FINALLY happy! She is FREE! She is in LOVE! Were FREE! Were all HAPPY! I cant believe all that we went through in our life! This is a new start for all of us! This guy actually feels like a Father to me! The things he has told me that he feels about me... he cares about me! He loves me!!!" This song speaks for all the emotions I was feeling at that time.
They sang this song together and it was BEAUTIFUL to hear them both sing it together. It really fit them!!! They both have had a past that they have learned tremendously from. Everytime I would hear these lyrics:
"My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me."
My heart just melted and I felt the Spirit SOOO strongly! I cant even express enough of how I felt. I wished everyone could feel what I felt. If you would have felt what I felt and ever had doubts that there was a God and a plan for all of us you wouldn't have any doubts after that! I felt as if God was holding me at that moment and telling me that ALL I have gone through growing up ... all my mistakes... all of my burdens... sadness.. loneliness... insecurities... pain and hurt was for THIS MOMENT!!!! To stand there that day and watch my Mom get married to this amazing guy that loves her so much and treats her with so much respect. She finally has and understands exactly what I have in my marriage!!! I seriously wanted to just fall to the floor at that point. I tried to control my crying. I JUST COULDN'T!!! My heart and shoulders became so lightened at that moment but my heart was so full at the same time! As we all walked down the isle to leave out of the wedding ceremony people all over were crying and telling me they loved me so much and I hope that they were feeling my emotions that I was experiencing during that special moment. And if so ... it is amazing how many people the spirit can touch all at one time!!!
I really wished that my sisters would have been there to hopefully of felt that same feeling that I was able to experience. Unfortunately they weren't. They chose their own ways of life instead of being there for that special day.
I hope that as my Mom & Ottie read this on their honeymoon this helps them in CELEBRATING their new life together!!! I love you both so very much!!!